We Believe


The Bible

We Believe that the whole Bible is God’s revealed truth to people and that He so guided
the writers in their use of their words as they recorded that revelation, that every word
they wrote, taken in its context, was the Word of God. The Bible is, therefore, of supreme
and final authority in faith and in life.

II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:20-21


We Believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Genesis 1:1, 26; Matthew 28:19; John 1:1-3; John 2:24; Acts 5:3-4; Romans 1:20;
Ephesians 4:5-6


We Believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary and
is true God and man.

Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38; Romans 9:5; Titus 2:13

We Believe that everyone was created in the image of God; that he sinned and thereby
incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death which is separation from God;
and all who reach the age of moral responsibility are guilty in thought, word and deed.

Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:17; Romans 5:12; Hebrews 11:23-26

We Believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins according to the Scriptures as a
representative and substitutionary sacrifice. And that all who believe in Him are justified
on the grounds of His shed blood and resurrection.

Isaiah 53; Matthew 20:28; John 3:16; Romans 3:24-26; Romans 5:1; 1 Corinthians 15:3; II Corinthians 5:21; Ephesians 1:7

We Believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into
Heaven and His present life there as High Priest and as Advocate.

I Corinthians 15:4; Hebrews 4:14; I John 2:1

We beleive

We Believe in the bodily resurrection of the Just and the Unjust, the everlasting joy of the
Saved, and the everlasting, conscious punishment of the Lost.

John 5:28-29; I Corinthians 15; II Corinthians 5:10; Matthew 25:31-46; Revelation 20:4-6; Revelation 20:11-15

We Believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ, that is, repenting to the
extent of forsaking the things of the world and determining by God’s grace to live for
Christ, are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

John 1:12; Romans 8:15-17

We Believe that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, imparts faith, regenerates the believer and
places him into the Body of Christ at the time of new birth. He indwells every believer for
the purpose of comforting, guiding, and empowering for service; this empowering is the
result of being filled with the Holy Spirit.

John 16:6-9; Titus 3:5;
I Corinthians 6:19-20;
Galatians 5:22-23

We Believe in “That Blessed Hope”, the personal bodily, premillennial, imminent return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Acts 1:11; Titus 2:13;
Philippians 3:20


We Believe that Christian Baptism is instituted by Christ for the Church and is the
immersion of a believer in water, “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit”, to show forth in a solemn and beautiful emblem, our faith in the crucified,
buried and risen Savior, with its effect, our death to sin and resurrection to a new life.

Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12; Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:26-39

the Lord’s Supper

We Believe that the Lord’s Supper is a memorial service instituted by Christ for the
Church which sets forth, in a sacred and symbolic manner, the death of the Lord Jesus
Christ on our behalf. The emblems of the Communion Service are not literally the body
and blood of Christ, nor do they contain His flesh and blood. Thus the service is for those
who understand Christian Obedience, and who are living Spirit-filled lives. We partake of
these values only as they are mingled with faith and repentance on the part of each
believer. (I Corinthians 11:23-34; Acts 2:41-42; II Thessalonians 3:6; II Thessalonians
3: 11-15)

I Corinthians 11:23-34; Acts 2:41-42; II Thessalonians 3:6; II Thessalonians 3: 11-15



We Believe and teach that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in
covenantal commitment for a lifetime.  It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between
Christ and the Church, and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the
framework for intimate companionship, the channel for sexual expression according to
biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race.  

Gen. 1:27-28; 2:18, 21-24; Eph. 5:21-30

Therefore we also believe and teach that any form of sexuality,  contrary to these Scriptural principles listed above, are unacceptable behavior.  All weddings performed in the facility of Bethel Baptist will be in accordance with our convictions. No Pastor of Bethel Baptist shall officiate a same-sex marriage or union.

Our Mission:
We exist to glorify God by creating followers of Jesus Christ in rural America and throughout the world.